All hell has indeed broken loose

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Donald Trump, a recently convicted felon who’s awaiting criminal trial for having tried to overthrow the government of the United States, has stated several times over the past few months that “all hell is about to break loose.” Well, now all hell has indeed broken loose.

Major media outlets are now clarifying that Donald Trump didn’t get shot, but he instead got hit by shattered glass that had been hit by a gunshot. This would help explain his strange injury that seemed to be isolated to his ear. The shooter is reportedly deceased and there are other injuries in the crowd. Beyond that no one knows what the real motive was, or if Trump was even the target. That’ll come out soon enough.

Political violence is ALWAYS WRONG and is NEVER THE ANSWER. There are no caveats to that. Ever. If it does turn out that someone was trying to shoot Trump, then that person was in the wrong. If anyone involved with the plot survived, they need to go to prison for life.

But there is something surreal about Donald Trump, who intentionally unleashed such a wave of violent political rhetoric upon the nation, and who incited a violent coup against the United States, now himself being harmed by a violent attack at one of his own rallies. These are strange times.

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