Alexander Vindman slam dunks Marjorie Taylor Greene

All of us are familiar with at least someone who has been a military member. And these are people who deserve our utmost respect. Is there anything bolder, more courageous, more poignant than people who are willing to fight — to die — for one’s country? I think not.
For some, it ended tragically. To quote Jacques Brel’s song Sons Of: “Some built the roads, some wrote the poems. Some went to war; some never came home.” And then there are the others — the cowards. Folks like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who would rather mock war heroes than actually do anything to stop the violence.
Insurrectionist supporter Greene got involved in a war of words with Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman. Vindman is the face of courage. Greene is the face of hate. Greene had posted a tweet saying “people are dying” because of what she deemed “Biden’s poor decision making.”
Calling Biden a failure, Gruesome Greene went on to declare Biden a “danger to the entire world.” I find it ironic that Greene seems very reluctant to discuss the REAL danger to the world — Putin.
Vindman quietly destroyed the psychotic woman’s words with this tweet: “Nope. It’s because you and your pro-Putin party encouraged Putin to invade by cheerleading him. Worse yet, you undermined @Potus efforts to signal punishing costs. You undermined U.S. efforts to deter the war. You have blood in your hands. The American people will not forget.”
That is one blistering, brutal, achingly honest, five-star take-down! Greene, of course, was pissed — and faster than one could say, “You’re making a fool of yourself, Marjorie,” she hit back.
Labeling Vindman a “clown,” Greene let her colors of hate fly as the wicked mask she tries to wear slid seamlessly away. “This clown wants to drag Americans into war with Russia,” she screeched on Twitter. “Go ahead and go fight yourself since you’re from Ukraine.”
This tweet was so loathsome I’m calling on any Twitter user to report her. And here is yet another reason to vote and make sure everyone else does. If we pick up House seats, perhaps – perhaps — we can finally get this ghastly woman expelled.