Donald Trump “taken aback” at how it’s all falling apart for him

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Earlier, Palmer Report asked the question of whether Donald Trump is aware of how badly things are now falling apart. Does he know that the DOJ Inspector General report was a bodyblow for him? Does he know that his 2020 poll numbers are terrible, and that even if he’s acquitted at his Senate impeachment trial, it won’t improve his election prospects? Or have his handlers managed to insulate him from the worsening bad news?

It turns out Donald Trump is at least vaguely aware of what’s going on – and there’s no question he’s reacting badly to it. CNN’s Jim Acosta says that Trump is privately “stewing” about what’s going on, and that he’s “taken aback” at being impeached over his Ukraine extortion scandal. Acosta says that Trump is surprised that out of all of his scandals, this is the one that’s taking him down.

If Trump were reading Palmer Report, he wouldn’t be surprised. He just barely survived his criminal plot with Russia to rig the 2016 election, because he kept his fingerprints off it and had his underlings do all the dirty work. Several of them are now in prison for their roles in that scandal, meaning that this time around, Trump had almost no henchmen left. That forced him to use a largely senile Rudy Giuliani and hilariously overmatched henchmen like Lev and Igor, and when they predictably blew it, Trump had to pick up the phone and get his own hands dirty. That’s how he got caught, and that’s why he’s being impeached.

Of course Donald Trump has been committing various crimes his entire life. His real estate empire has always been based on fraud, money laundering, and other financial crimes. He’s spent decades criminally assaulting dozens of women. The guy has always been a walking talking felony. He even narrowly got away with treasonously rigging his own presidential election. So we can see how he might be shocked that, this late in life, he’s finally being nailed for something. Just wait until after he loses the election and he’s arrested and put on criminal trial – then he’ll be totally taken aback.

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.