Donald Trump has meltdown on Air Force One with Stephen Miller

Dear Palmer Report readers,

We all understand what a dark era we're heading into. Journalists will be prosecuted. Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Even the internet itself and publishing platforms may be at risk. Advertising networks can't be counted on. But Palmer Report is nonetheless going to lead the fight, because someone has to.

In that regard we're looking to start funding our 2025 operating expenses now, so we can keep publishing no matter what happens or how dark things get. We've launched a reader supported fund, and we've already raised $3360 and counting. I'm asking you to contribute if you can, because the stakes are just so high. You can contribute here. Thank you in advance.
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report

Donald Trump is having a pretty bad day, and he still has yet to reveal why. He keeps serving up one increasingly histrionic distraction after another, which he typically does when he knows terrible news for him is about to surface. Making things even more ridiculous, he’s had ghoulish adviser Stephen Miller with him throughout the day. This culminated in a Trump meltdown on Air Force One, with Miller at his side.

It all began when Donald Trump posted this misleading tweet, after it became clear that his trade war is wrecking the U.S. economy: “Surprised that Harley-Davidson, of all companies, would be the first to wave the White Flag. I fought hard for them and ultimately they will not pay tariffs selling into the E.U., which has hurt us badly on trade, down $151 Billion. Taxes just a Harley excuse – be patient!” White House pool reporters alternately stated that Trump posted this tweet either while he was on Marine One, or just before he got on Marine One – but Miller was with him. Then came the Air Force Once meltdown.

Shortly after pool reporters confirmed that Donald Trump and Stephen Miller were stuck on Air Force One and unable to land due to bad weather, Trump went off the deep end. First he posted this misleading attack on Senator Mark Warner: “Why is Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), perhaps in a near drunken state, claiming he has information that only he and Bob Mueller, the leader of the 13 Angry Democrats on a Witch Hunt, knows? Isn’t this highly illegal. Is it being investigated?” Then he began ranting about the FBI’s Peter Strzok.

A couple things stand out here. First, Donald Trump always calls him “Robert Mueller.” This is the only instance we can find of Trump referring to him as “Bob Mueller.” Second, Stephen Miller – who at this point is Trump’s closest remaining adviser – was with him during this Air Force One meltdown. We suspect Miller may have written these tweets for Trump, or at least inspired them.

Dear Palmer Report readers,

We all understand what a dark era we're heading into. Journalists will be prosecuted. Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Even the internet itself and publishing platforms may be at risk. Advertising networks can't be counted on. But Palmer Report is nonetheless going to lead the fight, because someone has to.

In that regard we're looking to start funding our 2025 operating expenses now, so we can keep publishing no matter what happens or how dark things get. We've launched a reader supported fund, and we've already raised $3360 and counting. I'm asking you to contribute if you can, because the stakes are just so high. You can contribute here. Thank you in advance.
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report