Democratic Congressman agrees that Donald Trump is going prison

For the past few months Palmer Report has said impeachment was coming, and for good reason. House Democrats were fighting court battles over evidence and testimony that was clearly intended to be used in an impeachment process, and they were just waiting to use the word “impeachment” until they won those court battles. Then Trump’s Ukraine scandal surfaced and prompted them to use the word sooner, but this is where things were headed anyway. We were right about impeachment coming because it’s where all the evidence pointed.

This brings us to Palmer Report’s other big prediction: Donald Trump is going to prison. Whenever we say this, the fatalists accuse us of being delusional or even selling false hope. But we were right about impeachment, and we’re right about this too, and for the same reason: it’s where all the evidence points.

By arresting Rudy Giuliani’s Ukraine henchmen, and leaking that they’re now targeting Rudy, the Feds at the SDNY are making clear that they intend to indict Donald Trump on federal charges once they’re finally able to, which is to say the minute he’s not in office. But even if this falls through, or if Trump tries to pardon himself on his way out the door, there’s still the matter of the New York grand jury that’s currently targeting Trump for indictment on state charges – which can’t be pardoned by any president.

Donald Trump is going to prison. It turns out Democratic Congressman Eric Swalwell agrees with us. He tweeted this: “Explain to me under what legal theory does Donald Trump not have an indictment waiting for him when he leaves office?” It’s a rhetorical question, of course, because it will happen. Trump will end up behind bars. That’s not in doubt. On a comparatively lucid day, even Trump surely knows it. The two questions are how long it takes him to give up the ghost, and how much more damage he does in the meantime. But Trump’s life is already over, unless you count solitary confinement as having a life.

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