Donald Trump doesn’t know what’s about to hit him

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Donald Trump has spent months publicly hanging his hat on the expectation that the Department of Justice Inspector General report would show that the FBI criminally conspired against his 2016 campaign. Trump was expecting this report to be a launching point for turning public opinion around and giving him a shot in 2020. Even as recently as this weekend, he was tweeting about how this report was going to save him.

The Inspector General report was released today and confirmed that the FBI investigation into the Trump 2016 campaign was fully justified, shocking Donald Trump’s delusional base, but not surprising anyone in the real world. The IG proved a long time ago that he has no interest in advancing Trump’s corruption, so of course his report told the truth instead of promoting Trump’s lies.

This meant that Attorney General Bill Barr utterly failed Donald Trump, and it meant that all eyes were on Trump to see if he might lash out at Barr for failing him so spectacularly. But during a televised White House meeting today, Trump instead giddily announced that the report proved he was unfairly targeted. The thing is, instead of merely trying to spin a disaster into good news for him, he very much appears to actually believe this. Trump’s handlers (including Barr) must have simply told him that the report is positive for him, and he’s so far gone in the cognitive department, he simply believed it instead of looking at a single word of the report or what’s been reported about it.

If Donald Trump is this deeply lost inside a haze of coddled delusion, then he has no idea what’s about to him as things really start to get awful for him. He thinks his 2020 poll numbers are strong when they’re historically weak. He thinks that
“moving” from New York to Florida has gotten him off the legal hook, when New York is still going to arrest him the minute he’s no longer in office. This is all about to get even worse for Trump, and – with the exception of a few comparatively lucid moments here and there – he doesn’t appear to have any idea that his life is already essentially over.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can