Report: Donald Trump may have paid as many as eight women to have abortions

Now that some of Donald Trump’s most trusted secret-keepers have cut plea deals against him, we’re not merely going to see all of Trump’s criminal scandals exposed. We’re about to see all of his personal scandals come to the surface as well. As it turns out, some of that dirt is already starting to bubble over.
By now we know that Donald Trump paid at least two women, during the 2016 election cycle alone, to keep quiet about the affairs he’d had with them. This has become part of the criminal case against Trump, because these payments were a felony violation of federal election law. But this surely isn’t a guy who stopped at having two affairs in his life, or stopped at paying off two women. So what about all the other women he’s had to keep quiet over the years – and what else was involved?
That brings us to a new report from the Spectator, which makes reference to “Trump mistresses paid to have abortions and kept quiet with non-disclosure agreements.” It goes on to say that according to one of its sources, “there could be as many as eight such women.” But abortion is legal, and most of those who oppose Trump politically are of the belief that there’s nothing wrong with abortion. So why would this be a big deal? There are two reasons.
First, Donald Trump has spent his time in politics aligning himself with far-right evangelical “Christians” whose hate mongering beliefs have nothing in common with anything that Christ ever said or did. Perhaps the core tenet for these blasphemes is the pretend belief that Christ was some kind of anti-abortion activist. Sure, these freaks have given Trump a free pass on all of his other endless moral failings – but abortion? We’ll see. Second, if Trump paid any women to have an abortion and keep quiet during the election cycle, that would be yet another violation of campaign finance law.