25th Amendment

I don’t make the statement lately. I really don’t. “He’s off his rocker!” Those words come from my very sane and soft-spoken father, a psychologist who is not known for extreme statements like that. But he could be forgiven, I think. Because he’s right. Donald Trump is off his rocker.
In the aftermath of one of the worst plane crashes, this country has seen in years, Donald Trump decided to blame the crash on, in no particular order:
Former President Obama
Former President Biden
Dwarfs. Yes, you read that right, dwarfs.
Amputees, yes, you read that right, amputees.
Epileptics, yes you read that right epileptics.
Very few people had any idea what the hell the man was talking about. His words were a babble of complete idiocy that flew out of his swollen orange lips into the ether to be immediately swallowed up by social media, and mocked by millions of social media users.
So, no, I do not say these words lightly. I would not put ink to paper about this were it not of the utmost importance. But we are all history’s scribes writing down history, and it’s arc as it happens.
It is time. It is time to use the 25th amendment. No I don’t think Republicans will ever go for it. Obviously I have lots of cynicism where THAT is concerned. I don’t care. Because we need to have this discussion.
If the media had a months long campaign against President Biden after his nose ran for a few minutes one night which happened to be debate night, then yes we can talk about using the 25th amendment on a dwarf phobic, epileptic phobic, amputee phobic, minority phobic, woman phobic, black and brown person phobic, law and order phobic, common decency phobic mental midget of a man who deserves to be locked up in a mental hospital rather than sitting in the White House
We need to shout this loud and clear. I hope you will join with me in this . it is the right thing to do. Donald Trump needs to be out of office as it’s only been a few weeks and he is already wreaking havoc it’s time. It’s time to unleash the 25th amendment.