Rudy Giuliani goes on television, rats out Donald Trump on obstruction and secret payoffs

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

In the ten days since Rudy Giuliani informally joined Donald Trump’s legal defense team, it’s gradually become more clear that Giuliani – unless he’s just gone randomly bonkers – is purposely trying to hurry up and get Trump ousted from office before the Trump-Russia investigation can circle back to Rudy. This evening we got all the proof we needed of this when Giuliani went on Sean Hannity’s Fox News show and ratted Trump out on multiple crimes.

Rudy Giuliani announced on the Hannity show tonight that Donald Trump did in fact reimburse Michael Cohen for the $130,000 that was paid out to Stormy Daniels during the election in order to keep her quiet about her affair with Trump. Cohen violated federal campaign laws when he made this payout, and by admitting that Trump reimbursed Cohen for it, Giuliani is admitting that Trump was a participant in this crime. Then Rudy things even worse.

Giuliani announced that Trump fired FBI Director James Comey last year because Comey refused to tell Trump that he wasn’t a target of the Trump-Russia investigation. In so doing, Giuliani just admitted that Trump committed felony obstruction of justice. By publicly making these acknowledgements, Giuliani is marching Trump out of the Oval Office and toward a prison cell.

This is nothing short of a stunning development. Palmer Report said from the start that Rudy Giuliani was likely joining Donald Trump’s legal team in order to sabotage him from within. That became clear when Giuliani’s first act was to try to convince Trump to grant an interview to Robert Mueller, which would be suicide. But even we didn’t Giuliani would be so blatant as to go on television and start confessing to Trump’s crimes on his behalf.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.