Hey Rudy Giuliani, we all know what you’re trying to pull here

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.

This afternoon several major news outlets reported that Rudy Giuliani is joining Donald Trump’s legal team. This is such a laugh-out-loud development that Senator Mark Warner literally laughed out loud when he was first presented with the news during an on-air interview on MSNBC. As Palmer Report has explained, this can only be because Giuliani has secretly cut a plea deal, or because he fears he’s about to be charged. If it’s the latter, it’s worth considering that Giuliani is knee-deep in the SDNY investigation into Donald Trump and Michael Cohen.

Donald Trump fired Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, last year in a rather blatant attempt at preventing the Feds from investigating him on his own turf in New York City. Trump replaced Bharara with Geoffrey Berman, a former legal partner of Rudy Giuliani, in what was an even more blatant attempt at protecting himself and his associates. That move backfired when Berman recused himself when presented with the decision on whether to move forward with the FBI raid against Trump’s attorney Michael Cohen, and Berman’s deputy signed off on it instead.

Now that Trump and Cohen are embroiled in a court battle against the U.S. Attorney’s office for SDNY, suddenly Rudy Giuliani is joining Trump’s legal defense team. It’s been fairly clear for some time that Giuliani is knee-deep in the Trump-Russia scandal. In the last days of the election he bragged that he knew a faction of the FBI was about to screw over Hillary Clinton. After the election, Trump declined to nominate Giuliani for a cabinet position because he was so radioactive. Giuliani later tried and failed to prevent a Turkish criminal named Reza Zarrab from cutting a Trump-Russia plea deal.

Now that the investigation into Donald Trump’s criminal antics has shifted focus to SDNY, Rudy Giuliani โ€“ who happens to be deeply connected to both SDNY and Trump’s criminal antics, is suddenly inserting himself into the proceedings. We expect the judge will tell Rudy to take a hike based on his laugh-out-loud conflicts of interest. In any case, Trump’s side is getting more desperate than ever.

Palmer Report is fighting more aggressively than ever on the editorial and activism fronts. We need to raise $5,926 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.