Donald Trump’s last ditch “Hail Mary” is about to crash and burn

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

It appears that Donald Trump is orchestrating one last attempt to save himself. Perhaps I’m being too kind by assuming this was Trump’s idea, as it’s much more likely this was thought up by one of the few remaining attorneys on his legal team. The recent attacks on former top members of the FBI appear to be a pathetic attempt to smear their testimony to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. As Palmer Report previously documented, Andrew McCabe was fired by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, two days short of his pension, for claims of a “lack of candor.” While it’s laughable that Sessions could say anyone lacked candor after he lied under oath on multiple occasions, it was also recently revealed that it was in fact McCabe who started an investigation into Sessions’ lies under oath.

Now we are learning that McCabe’s lawyer, Michael Bromwich, is presenting evidence that claims all of the reasons for McCabe’s termination were false. It now has become apparent that these assaults on members of America’s top intelligence agencies are meant to do two things. First, Trump hopes that by making obviously false claims it will result in some people not believing the truth, when presented by Mueller’s investigation. Secondly, this is just another effort to appease Trump’s true boss, Vladamir Putin, by creating division among Americans, while generating some doubt about anything Americans are told by their own intelligence agencies.

Bromwich clearly states that Trump, and some complicit Republicans in Congress, are “attempting to create a false narrative” about the firing of McCabe. Trump’s recent tweet attacks on the FBI and DOJ show how desperate he is to access classified documents. Trump’s true reason for demanding the release of these documents is to allow his cronies to let him know what Mueller really has on him, so that he can better prepare for his upcoming interview with Mueller. He can tweet and insult as much as he wants, but it’s important to understand that Mueller expected this from the start and he is prepared to take Trump down regardless of what documents ultimately are released. While Trump’s desperation is real, no matter what comes from this, his “Hail Mary” attempt will not save him.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.