The real reason Donald Trump is still clinging to Scott Pruitt as they both sink

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Donald Trump has publicly attacked so many respected people and institutions since taking office, it would take too long for us to list them all. He’s attacked multiple former U.S. Presidents, most major U.S. allies, popular athletes, civil rights icons, you name it. There only seem to be three people in the world he’s afraid of crossing: Russian President Vladimir Putin, his former mistress Stormy Daniels, and his corrupt EPA Director Scott Pruitt. The last of those three names stands out as odd.

We all have a good idea of why Trump is so afraid of Vladimir and Stormy, as they both likely have compromising videos of him or worse. But what’s the deal with Pruitt? Last year we saw Trump quickly fire his pal Tom Price from his cabinet after it was revealed that Price had been wasting taxpayer money on inappropriate travel. Recently, Trump dumped another cabinet member, David Shulkin, partly to try to make the latest VA scandal go away.

Yet Trump is going to the mat for Pruitt, who is quickly turning out to be the most financially corrupt member of Trump’s cabinet, which considering Ben Carson’s five-figure dining room table and Ryan Zinke’s lust for public funds, is saying something. Just this evening, Trump tweeted “Scott is doing a great job!” So what makes Pruitt unique and special? There are three competing schools of thought here. The first would be that, as with Putin, Pruitt is holding some kind of blackmail over Trump – but there’s no specific evidence to substantiate that notion.

The second would be that Scott Pruitt’s overwhelmingly corrupt moves at the EPA might be benefiting Donald Trump financially, and Trump is protecting Pruitt to try to preserve his cash cow, but there’s no specific evidence in that regard either. The third would be that Trump really does want to fire Jeff Sessions and promote Pruitt to Attorney General, as CNN reported the other day. Pruitt would never get past Senate confirmation hearings. But it makes as much (or little) sense as any other explanation for why Trump is clinging to Pruitt as they both sink. Contribute to Palmer Report

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