Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner find a new way to make a mess for themselves

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

The past week was chock full of stunning developments, all surrounding the Trump White house. On Monday, Trump states that he might just run into a school when shooting with an AR15 is going on. This absurdity is reinforced by that crazy Press Secretary. The same day, an interview with Ivanka is released and she states she is just not going to talk about what a creep her father is because it isn’t appropriate.

Just as an aside, why was she in South Korea anyway? As a diplomat? Oh, please. Seems to me we should have sent Caitlyn Jenner; in a prior life, she was an Olympic gold medal athlete and since the Olympics is a celebration of world class athletes…. The Kardashians at the Olympic Closing Ceremony would have been more appropriate than that ridiculous Trump woman.

Last Tuesday’s news featured Jared Kushner and his impending demise. Trump probably did and said something inappropriate. Wednesday was the day of Hope Hicks quitting her big job and Ben Carson’s $31,000. dining table. Thursday was the big meeting about gun laws with the president and some senators. More great ideas that are going nowhere because on Friday, Trump went back on his word – again. And how could I forget the tariffs on steel and aluminum? Because Trump’s world was crumbling around him, I guess he thought the rest of the world should suffer, too.

This manufactured chaos is hard on the people in this country. The constant lies and delusional thinking Trump continues to exhibit have created a very nervous and divided population. Is America getting great again or are we headed in a much different direction?

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.