Donald Trump has berserk meltdown

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Donald Trump has managed to do the seemingly impossible: he’s screwed up the US economy and trade so badly, so quickly, that everyone agrees he’s blowing it. Consumer confidence numbers say the average American is sick of Trump’s economic screw ups already. The stock market says Wall Street is just as sick of Trump.

So who’s still on board with this guy? Even the Wall Street Journal, which is controlled by the same Rupert Murdoch who controls Fox News, is outright slamming Trump’s economic idiocy. So now Trump is lashing out at the Wall Street Journal, accusing it of being controlled by the European Union for some reason. Trump’s largely incoherent rant is full of exclamation points and capital letters and ends by misquoting Franklin Roosevelt, because of course it does. It gets worse.

In a separate social media rant, Trump has announced that he’s putting 200% tariffs on Champagne imported from France. Great thinking, Trump. Take the wealthiest Americans’ Champagne away from them, and see how they like you after that. Then Trump declares that his tariffs will be great for the “Champagne businesses in the U.S.”

Uh, who’s going to be the one to tell Trump that there is no Champagne business in the United States? By definition, it’s not Champagne if it’s not manufactured in France. You’d think this idiot would at least take moment to find out whether a product, you know, exists in the US before proudly declaring that he’s making moves to boost that product. Don’t tell me this guy doesn’t have dementia.

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