You’ve got to be kidding

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When I first heard about this, I said to myself please no. Please don’t let the story be true. Please, please tell me the Republicans haven’t gone this Loco. Unfortunately, my friends, I can report that they have.

So the GOP is resorting to truly wacky excuses for how the American people feel about President Musk’s Doge cuts. A good example of that is representative Tom Barrett, who is out of Michigan and had decided to hold a virtual town hall with his constituents. It didn’t go well.

Barrett unfathomably asked his constituents at the virtual town hall whether they were pleased with the Doge cuts, and everything that President Musk has been doing to streamline the government.

After these constituents were asked the question, their responses were counted, and it was announced that 70% of the people of this particular town hall did not approve at all. So Barrett had to do some spinning, and he spun. He spun right he spun left. His words, flowed out of him, captivating this writer, because of the strong aroma of bullshit that was around said words.

Wow, he exclaimed. I think that means that 70% of people agree with the policy! After all, he added, the people who answered ,many of them, preface their answer, saying yes, there’s a lot of waste in government, so that means that 70% have accepted the premise of the problem.

Are you KIDDING? No, my friends, he was not. That dog you see? The one wagging its tail furiously? . Yes, that is representative Barrett in REALLY desperate Wag the Dog mode. But I suppose, what else can they do when their constituents hate them?

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.