This one’s going to hurt

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Republicans decided to move forward with making cuts to Medicaid. Their constituents are not happy, and it’s the cause of Rep Al Green’s outburst. Trump called Green “low IQ,” but he is quite well-spoken. If you disagree with Trump, you get called names. Green is merely trying to make Trump stick to his promise not to mess with Medicaid. Of course, we know Trump’s promises are worth about as much as a blank piece of paper. According to Green, 20% of Texans have no healthcare, “more than any state in the country,” Green told Al Sharpton. He said that’s the reason he spoke out on the protection of Medicaid. He’s not alone.

In Mike Johnson’s deeply red state of Louisiana, people are making it known that they need Medicaid. NBC News reported that voters in the southwestern portion of Louisiana, which is Johnson’s district, are upset by the news. One man – Reverend Leroy McClelland – spoke with the outlet, telling them that he has several medical conditions and is dependent on Medicaid and food stamps to make ends meet. McClelland told NBC: “People can’t do without it. So, I would tell [Congress] to help us out. Help us. People are hurting out here. And you may be from Louisiana, but you’re the House speaker. Cross the aisle. Work together to do whatever you got to do. That’s my message.” These are the same people who vote Republican every year, totally oblivious to the fact that Republicans don’t care for the woes of their constituents. They never have, and they never will. Yet, these fools keep voting for them. They refused to listen as Kamala Harris repeatedly said that Trump wanted to give tax cuts to the rich. Obviously, she was telling the truth unlike Trump, who wouldn’t know the truth if it slapped him in the face. Maybe they’ll get it this time. As Gomer Pyle once said on the Andy Griffith show: fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, though they have already passed that point.

To get an idea of how badly these cuts will hurt, NBC reported that 1 out of 4 residents under 65 in Johnson’s district rely on Medicaid for their insurance, and 1 in 5 rely on food stamps. The budget Republicans passed will take $880 billion from Medicaid and $230 billion from food stamps. That same bill will extend Trump’s 2017 tax cuts for the rich through 2035. The Center on Budget Policy Priorities estimates that the richest households will get more than triple in tax cuts that lower and middle-class households will get. Republicans will continue to find cuts that impact every day and retired Americans. What a guy! Trump is the king; the king of bullshit. Yet, these poor, ignorant souls continue to vote Republican. Why? They are racists, and they think Republicans are right there with them. The color that most interests Republicans is green, and these folks have very little of that, which is why Republicans could care less if they have insurance, if they eat, or if they die.

Dear Palmer Report family: we need $2833 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate whatever you can.