Donald Trump was sentenced for his crimes. Donald Trump is now a convicted felon. For the first time in our nation’s history, we will have a president who is also a convicted felon. Convicted felon. Convicted felon. These words have a certain tangy sweetness as I write them. It feels good. Some things never change, and Donald Trump’s naked crimes is one of them.
But in the branding of Donald Trump as a convicted felon, the mask has been pulled off, and everyone can see the image of criminality that is Donald Trump’s person. I have a few things to say about this sentencing. No, Donald Trump did not get prison time. We knew he would not. But this sentencing matters. It matters deeply.
Who around us would be happy to have to wear this label? The label of convicted felon is a rather exclusive club belonging to the lawless. Donald Trump is now one of those people. I am certain I am not the only individual whose satisfaction is washing over me like some long-awaited wave. There were some who did not think this day would ever come. Well, now it has.
And it is a remarkable vengeance. Not the type of vengeance thugs like Trump engage, wanting to prosecute political enemies for imagined slights. No, this is real, just vengeance. Just. This vengeance comes from the justice system, which has labeled Mr. Orange a felon.
This day is not just for us; far from it. As I write these words, children walk silently across my eyelids. Some of them walk in lockstep, some by themselves. Some walk tiredly, some solemnly, but rarely do any of them smile.
These are the children — the victims — all the victims — of Donald J. Trump — the children whose lives were upended by Donald Trump, who thought themselves forgotten.
They are the children torn from their mother’s arms. They are the election workers whose lives were upended by bitterness directed at them by Trump and his lying minions. They are the women whom Donald Trump hurt, scarred and used. They are the good, the brave, the innocent, the ones whose lives were unfortunately touched by a monster.
This day is for THEM. So yes, this sentencing has always mattered and will continue to matter. Donald Trump is now a convicted felon – a label that this writer believes he was made for.