What is wrong with them?

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It’s going to be interesting to see how some of Donald Trump’s cabinet picks work out. As the Washington Post pointed out, his health selections have little to no experience with infectious diseases. How’s that going to work out? It seems silly to put them in these positions when they know nothing. On top of that, we know how RFK feels about vaccines. Does this mean we won’t be able to get them if we want them? And what’s with all the Fox commentators? One of them has been selected as surgeon general. She’s a doctor, but is that enough? When you look at Trump’s picks, you have no choice but to believe he has lost his raggedy-assed mind, but he’s in good company as all Republicans have lost their minds.

First, there’s Bill Hagerty of Tennessee who claims that Americans don’t care about FBI background checks for Trump’s nominees. I beg to differ. Look at what happened after they started digging into Matt Gaetz’s past. And what about the sexual assaulter Pete Hegseth? He certainly needs someone to investigate his background to find out more about the allegations. There could be more than one-once a sexual assaulter, always a sexual assaulter. Even Joni Ernst wants a background check on Hegseth. Susan Collins also wants background checks, and Kevin Cramer said that the FBI should take the lead as they have access to information no one else can get. Besides, if they have nothing to hide, they shouldn’t be afraid of a background check. This reluctance is nothing more than Trump’s ridiculous thoughts about the FBI and other law enforcement agencies.

Second, we have Richard Lankford, who helped to create the bipartisan bill for immigration that Trump quashed. He thinks that the Bible “should absolutely be taught in schools.” According to the Hill, Lankford believes the Bible is both historical and cultural. Let’s examine that belief. The Bible is only historical to those who believe. For atheists, it doesn’t exist. So, whose history are we examining and why is it relevant to every child in school? What about Muslim children? Will they be forced to learn the Bible alongside their Koran? Again, we must ask whose culture this reflects. Certainly not Muslim children. What about Jehovah’s Witness children and Jewish children? Jewish people don’t even believe in the New Testament. Requiring the Bible in schools is not helpful. You don’t want to teach Black history so that our children know their culture, but you want to shove the Bible down everyone’s throats. It makes no sense to anyone other than Bible-thumping Republicans (who don’t even follow the teachings themselves).

Finally, Trump has named a Black person to his administration. Will wonders never cease? Scott Turner has been nominated for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. According to Trump, he worked with Ben Carson when he was HUD secretary. So, he had two Blacks in his last administration, but they had to work together, not with anyone else. Turner is the only one about whom I have heard nothing negative but give it a few days.

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