MSNBC host: based on new evidence, Donald Trump’s election may have been illegitimate after all

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From the time the very first evidence surfaced of a conspiracy between the Donald Trump campaign and Russia to alter the outcome of the election, numerous members of the Resistance have asserted that Trump’s election was therefore illegitimate. However, even as evidence has continued to gradually pour in, the mainstream media has been hesitant to make that acknowledgment. Now a prominent and respected MSNBC host is finally going there.

Joy Reid is the MSNBC morning weekend host, but on Friday evening she appeared on the Chris Hayes show as a panelist. The discussion centered around the increasing evidence that the Trump campaign conspired with Russia during the election, and that Donald Trump himself knew about it. For instance, former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos has formally confessed that he told several Trump campaign officials in advance of his plan to conspire with the Kremlin to acquire emails stolen from Hillary Clinton. Papadopoulos has also asserted that Trump himself was aware in advance of his plot to arrange a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Here’s what Joy Reid had to say about the matter: “What if Russia actually did impact the outcome? That means that the fundamental legitimacy of the President of the United States is questionable. Every decision he makes, every judge he appoints, could be inherently illegitimate. And I think that’s actually a fundamental question Americans should be afraid of. Psychologically, it’s very difficult to be told that perhaps your vote was somehow influenced by outsiders, that there was something wrong with the candidate you voted for.”

This prompted Chris Hayes to respond by saying “Yes, you’re stressing me out talking about it right now” before going on to explain that such a revelation could unravel whatever faith Americans have in their electoral and political system. This is the first known instance of any cable news host acknowledging the illegitimacy of Donald Trump’s election victory. Palmer Report has been documenting Trump’s illegitimacy throughout 2017. We’re pleased to welcome MSNBC to the discussion. Contribute to Palmer Report

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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