This is going south for Trump

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Several reasons exist that contradict any chances Donald Trump has of winning the November 5 election. Kamala Harris turned 60 Sunday. Talk about youth and energy. It shows all over her face. Next to Harris, Trump looks like a decrepit, senile, dirty old man. Okay, so he is those things, but that’s not the point. Mika Brzezinski wrote for MSNBC: “I’ve scrutinized Harris’ campaign rallies and her September debate with Trump. It is very clear to me why he has refused to step back onstage with her.” Brzezinski also articulated something I couldn’t quite put into words about Harris during the debate: “… [A]lmost immediately, my worries melted away. She owned that New York stage. Not just with her answers and abilities—but her posture, her joy, her eloquence and her control. Seeing Harris under those bright lights was inspiring—for women, and for anyone who has felt underestimated or marginalized.” Harris exudes those qualities, and you cannot help but like and root for her. When Usher was speaking about her this weekend, someone in the crowd yelled: “I love you.” Usher responded: “I love you more, and I love Kamala Harris even more.” Trump pales in comparison.

Not only does Trump look as described above, but his lies and tall tales are getting him nowhere. The sad thing is that he doesn’t even get it. Even as his handlers cringe every time he opens his mouth, he has no control over that mouth. In his latest faux pas, Trump has tried to rewrite what happened on January 6, calling it a “day of love.” Anyone who loves violence might see it that way, but most people were glued to their television sets that day and were shocked at what they saw. Associated Press reported: “Former President Donald Trump on Friday compared the people jailed on charges that they stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, to the more than 120,000 people of Japanese origin incarcerated on U.S. soil during Word War II.” They quoted Trump as he spoke on Dan Bongino’s show: “Why are they still being held? Nobody’s ever been treated like this.” Trump knows what happened that day, and so do we. People are so tired of his lies, and they are such unnecessary lies. We aren’t stupid, yet he continues to test us.

Huffington Post reported on Trump’s visit to the Pittsburgh Steelers game, where he was booed by fans who told him to “get outta town.” Some even gave him the one-finger salute. Then, Fox (of all outlets) reported that Pittsburgh Steeler legends endorsed Harris before the game. Jerome Bettis made clear what he thinks about Trump: “I know this city and I love this city—we work hard to make things happen. No hot air. No bull. This is what defines the Steel City—and it’s the opposite of what Donald Trump stands for.” While we don’t know who these pollsters are talking to, they must not be talking to enough to show that Trump has about a snowball’s change in hell of winning this electio

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report