Have you had your psychotic break today?

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If I’d told you a week ago that by the end of the week Donald Trump would be standing in a drive thru wearing a McDonald’s uniform and pretending to work there, you’d have totally believed it. The only part you might not have believed was if I told you that it was an intentional, scheduled event that was planned in advance by his campaign.

Given the kind of jarringly unprecedented week that Trump has been having, it’s almost difficult to put any of it into historical context. But the world’s laziest faux-wealthy grifter, who looks like he eats every meal at McDonald’s, who’s never had a job in his life, who comes off too dementia-riddled to figure out how to do a fast food job, standing there in a McDonald’s uniform and trying to pretend like he belongs? How utterly humiliating.

There’s nothing humiliating about working at McDonald’s in general. It’s where plenty of Americans (including Kamala Harris) have gotten their start in the workforce. There are plenty of adults who have made a career out of working fast food in order to support themselves or their families. That’s something to be proud of. But Trump cosplaying like a McDonald’s employee? How humiliating – for him.

Trump’s McDonald’s drive thru moment is certainly a bigger flop than Dukakis’ tank moment or John Kerry’s windsurfing moment. For that matter Trump’s McDonald’s photo op might end up costing him even more votes than his meltdown about Arnold Palmer’s genitals. What’s astounding is that the McDonald’s thing was planned.

It shows just how badly Trump’s campaign babysitters are struggling to find something, anything they can have him do on the campaign trail in his 100% senile condition. He can’t do interviews. He can’t do town halls. He can’t even do rallies anymore without harming his prospects. So maybe, just maybe, if they had him stand there in a McDonald’s uniform and… nope. Didn’t work.

The fact that Trump’s babysitters even tried this stunt is proof that they’re running the most inept campaign of all time. No matter how little your senile candidate might be giving you to work with, you don’t make that kind of mistake. And if you do, you at least arm him with an answer (or non-answer) for the inevitable question he was going to face about the minimum wage. But no, it was just Trump standing there looking like an ass.

Yesterday was Kamala Harris’ birthday, and Trump’s McDonald’s debacle was the biggest gift that anyone could have given her. Even as the media roasted Trump for such a weird and stupid stunt, the Kamala Harris campaign immediately seized upon Trump’s long history of opposing a living wage for fast food workers.

This is also absolute proof that Donald Trump is suffering from full blown dementia. No matter how incompetent his staff may be, he could easily have vetoed this idiotic photo op. Instead he let his babysitters dress him up in a McDonald’s costume and stand him in a drive thru window for all to see. No mentally competent candidate would have allowed something so absurd to happen to him. Yet Trump probably thinks he won the day, because he’s still so obsessed with pretending that Kamala Harris is lying about having worked at McDonald’s in her youth. He thinks this went well for him – which is all the proof you need that he’s 100% senile.

Donald Trump’s scripted disasters and his unscripted disasters are now competing with each other to see which can do the most damage to his prospects. Trump spent the weekend talking about a golfer’s dick and taking questions through a McDonald’s drive thru. There are still fifteen days to go. At this point my prediction that Trump will end up taking his pants off on stage is starting to look tame.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report