Donald Trump’s Univision town hall is a complete disaster for him

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After Donald Trump’s last “town hall” consisted of him standing there swaying to music for thirty minutes while his supporters looked on in confusion, Trump’s babysitters began canceling some of his public appearances. But for some reason they decided to let Trump go through with his Univision town hall. It went horribly for him.

The Kamala Harris campaign posted photographic proof that Trump was relying on a teleprompter for at least part of the town hall. How do you even need a teleprompter for a town hall? But here we are. It still didn’t help Trump field questions.

One Hispanic registered Republican undecided voter asked Trump if he really believes that Haitian immigrants in Ohio are eating cats and dogs. Even though the person asking the question made it abundantly clear that the claim was false and offensive, Trump couldn’t take the hint. Instead of acknowledging that it was indeed untrue, Trump alienated the questioner by insisting that it was widely reported (it was not).

Another undecided voter said that Trump lost him over January 6th, and said he was giving Trump the chance to win him back. But again, instead of taking the hint, Trump responded by insisting that he did nothing wrong.

In other words, Trump spent the town hall actively costing himself potential voters, both in the room and in the viewing audience. Again, it’s surprising that Trump’s babysitters even allowed him to do this event. If he’s too dementia-riddled to handle questions from his own supporters, how was he going to handle questions from undecided voters? We’ll see whether his babysitters pull the plug on additional events as the week goes on. Trump is clearly too unwell to even try to campaign anymore.

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