MAGA is melting down

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Until Donald Trump walked down that escalator, this writer had no idea. I had no idea how many racists and bigots there were in this country. I had no idea how many woman haters there were. I had no idea of the gale-force winds and the storm of nakedly snarling, spewing losers these winds were about to blow into sight.

I had no idea of the hatred that would fall like the iciest,, most primordial snowfall, showing us that America had another side, an underbelly if you will, and that underbelly was filled with the acrid stench of the haters. No, I had no idea. I do now, though, so the following story does not surprise me at all.

MAGA is losing it. This is because Kamala Harris decided to sit down with Fox. I can’t even tell you of the anger from this group of misfits. Many of them are tearing into Bret Baier, who is doing the interview.

Of course, MAGA speaks of betrayal. They’re like babies—they are tiny children who have no way of communicating except by using baby names and arguing in baby-style. They are relics from some red-hot, anger-induced alternate universe we all hope fervently we never live in.

Maga are tweeting at Baier saying they have lost faith in him. They say that to win back their favor, Baier must verbally destroy Harris. That is the only way this merry band of misfits will let this go. But what they are asking for is impossible.

Nobody can win again against Harris in a war of words. She is the ultimate word warrior. She is always composed, at times playful, in the most professional and delightful way. This is driving Maga crazy. Their whole existence is about owning the libs, and there has been precious little owning to be had lately.

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