Senile Donald Trump gets asked question about Google, gives incoherent answer about Virginia instead

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It’s commonplace for patients with severe dementia to get asked a question about a topic, only to reply with a rambling answer about some other topic entirely. It occurs when they’re past the point of understanding what they’re supposed to do in response to a question. They simply hear someone talking, and then respond by talking about whatever is running through their mind.

To that end, when Trump tried to do an interview today, the host asked him whether Google should be broken up. In response, Trump gave an incoherent answer about voters being removed from the rolls in Virginia:

This comes after Trump blew off his town hall last night and stood there on stage listening to music for half an hour before someone finally tended to him. It’s stunning that Trump’s babysitters even let him go through with today’s interview, after his dementia episode last night. His dementia-riddled behavior will only get worse in the final few weeks of this election.

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