Lying and losing

Cottages have always played a significant political role in this writer’s life. For example, I was in a cottage the day I watched my first political speech EVER. It was Richard Nixon declaring that he was not a crook and resigning. Kamala will never have to make a speech like that, for she is as honest as the day is long. I was on my way to a cottage when I first saw poverty. And I’m not talking about your average, every day poverty, oh no, I’m talking about real, incontrovertible, DEEP, DEEP poverty, the kind one can’t ignore, the type that ingrains itself deeply and searingly into one’s brain. Kamala, when she is elected, will cut poverty even more than President Biden has.

I am in a metaphorical cottage now- a beautiful blue one, surrounded by YOU, my friends and readers, and all of you who, because you are doing the work needed to be done, are on your way to winning. It’s an amazing journey we’ve all embarked on together. Here are just a few things going on with the two candidates. Let’s speak of Kamala first.

She did sixty minutes, and was calm and relaxed, as a jasmine flower. She answered all questions quietly and firmly, showing the world how composed she was and how ready she was to be a President she is. The country knows it. That might be why a new Morning Consult poll shows Harris with her most significant lead ever—she is beating Trump, 51% to 45%. A new NY Times/Sienna poll has HARRIS in the lead and says she is winning over Hispanic voters. Other polls have come out showing that independent votes, seem to be breaking for Harris. Early voting has started, and this writer is about to vote herself! We are ahead of Republicans in the early vote.

Now let’s look at Convicted felon Donald J. Trump. He is twisting in the wind. As the wind blows, he falls over, a perfect Humpty Dumpty, mouth ever-moving with rage and cusses. He claims some people have “Murder Genes.”

Donald Trump is losing.

He can’t keep any thoughts strung together in any way.

Donald Trump is lying.

He is saying even more bizarre things.

Donald Trump is losing.

He and his merrily writhing band of psychopathic Republicans are getting horrible press for politicizing the hurricanes.

Donald Trump is lying.

He cannot do interviews like those with Sixty Minutes because he doesn’t know how to hold his own and speak with sense and sensibility.

Donald Trump is losing.

Donald Trump has muddied himself up beyond fixing. He’s a little spray of orange chromosomes lost in his own ever-raging brain while OUR lady — Lady Kamala Harris is sprinting toward victory with great poll numbers and lots of interviews. His tattered campaign lies in the muck, unable to brush the stench of the failure off it. Soon — very soon — we will ALL be in a new place — our own singular cottage of hope led by President Kamala Harris.

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