The audacity of this clown

Bob Woodward is releasing another book about the Trump presidency, and it promises to be eye-opening. You hear that, Trump supporters? It’s time for you to remove the blinders and see what kind of man you are supporting. The Washington Post laid out details of the book, including the fact that it will be released this month. Will it be enough to stop another disastrous election of Donald Trump? Perhaps if anyone reads it on time. Here are the highlights (or in the case of Trump, lowlights).

Donald Trump never took Covid seriously, claiming that it would “mysteriously disappear” when the weather got warm. Not only did he cause needless deaths by downplaying the virus, but he might also have caused others by sending tests to Vladimir Putin when we had a shortage. You read that right. We were begging for tests in the U.S., and he shipped some to a nasty dictator whom Woodward said was “petrified of the virus.” Putin allegedly told Trump not to tell anyone because they would be mad at Trump. Apparently, someone told Woodward about it. We shouldn’t have to think very long about what will happen to Ukraine should Trump retake the presidency. Just this year, according to Woodward, Trump ordered an aide away from his Mar-a-Lago office because he was taking a call from Putin. While people doubt the truth of this, Woodward reported that the same aide shared that Trump had spoken with Putin no less than seven times since leaving the White House. He was probably sharing our national security secrets with him.

Because of what he knows, Woodward calls Trump “unfit for office,” which is putting it mildly. We do not need a man who shares secrets (and apparently Covid tests) with a dictator who is likely one of the U.S.’s worst enemies. According to Woodward, Putin was not the only foreign conflict Donald Trump had. In addition to his dalliances with foreign leadership, Trump has always acted as if he is still in power, getting his allies in Congress to do his bidding by killing bills and interfering in things in which he had no business, like sending one of his national security advisors to meet with Netanyahu even as Biden was trying to work out a ceasefire. Woodward also had some not-so-flattering things to say about President Biden, so we know he’s not just “picking on” Trump. He calls it like it is and has been doing so for 50 years. As it turns out, Biden made some mistakes with Netanyahu as well, but Vice President Harris didn’t mince words when she dealt with him.

Woodward’s book is yet another example of how Donald Trump tried to cling to power even after leaving the White House. He was having calls with other world leaders when he had no authority to do anything. He got members of the House to help quash the bipartisan immigration bill because it would hurt his campaign, and he even enlisted Lindsey Graham to help with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. These men—Graham included—have no place in our government.

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