The vain, the ugly, and the cowardly

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This writer feels nothing but contempt for the Republican party. Their utterly chicken-shit behavior, coupled with their spitting on democracy all to support a loser and sociopath, has virtually guaranteed this collapsing political party their place in history’s pages — as cowards.

Cowards, cowards, cowards. Is there anything in politics worse than a coward? I think not. Cowardice was on full display bright and early on Sunday as House Speaker Mike Johnson appeared on television—and refused to admit President Biden was the duly elected President.

Shocking? Hardly. It’s almost expected at this point. This cowardly group of people are so very cowardly that if they were lost in a desert and came to a pond of water, they’d likely wait for Donald Trump’s permission before even drinking from it. Johnson also refused to say Democrats are not trying to murder Donald Trump. It was a humiliating TV performance that I am certain the American people will take note of.

History is littered with the vain, the ugly, and the cowardly. Benedict Arnold comes to mind. There are so many cowards and political losers doomed to their cowardly place in history. Mike Johnson will join all of them. Johnson had been speaking with George Stephanopoulos when he started his refusals — refusing to acknowledge the rightful president is, to this writer, sacrilege.

Online, people knew it as well:

“What a frigin coward.”

“He loses his job in November.”

‘He’s the worst speaker yet.”

People were outraged, but you know what? I am tired of the outrage. The Republicans no longer have the ability to shock this writer. I have come to expect the worst from them.

Would it not be lovely to oust ALL of them? While that might be a bit impossible, we will not have to worry about Mike Johnson for much longer. Like many Republican House speakers before him, he has shamed himself beyond forgiveness. His speakership will be over in November, and afterward, if he likes, he can set up shop in Mar-a-Lago, where he can obey and serve Donald Trump to his heart’s content. Donate here

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