This is a bunch of horse crap

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It always starts on the weekend. That’s when the major political media outlets start trying out their new narratives in the hope of finding one that can juice ratings. The narrative doesn’t have to be true, or real, or based on anything. It simply has to move the needle and startle people into staring at their screens more. Sure enough, we’re seeing the media trying to manufacture a specific new narrative.

It started when a statistician who knows better went on CNN and suggested that Kamala Harris will lose the election because so many Americans are saying that the country is going in the wrong direction. This is nonsense, of course. The reason that number is so low is that Republican voters are unhappy about being out of power, and everyone else is unhappy with Donald Trump still being on the national political stage, so everyone agrees (for opposite reasons) that the nation is in a bad way. It obviously doesn’t mean Kamala Harris is in trouble, particularly given that she’s not the incumbent, and that polling shows most Americans don’t see her as the incumbent on issues like inflation.

But of course as soon as this nonsense happened on CNN, the rest of the media decided to pile on. The Daily Beast quickly cranked out an article suggesting that Kamala Harris will indeed lose because most Americans think the nation is headed in the wrong direction, and then gave it a bizarre headline which falsely suggested that President Biden fears there will be political violence when Harris loses (the article goes on to admit that Biden fears there be political violence when Harris wins). But unfortunately, these kinds of facts rarely get in the way of the political media’s favorite new narrative.

The new “Kamala is doomed” narrative quickly spread to Politico on Saturday, which cranked out an article claiming that the Democratic Party is panicking because of how little campaigning Kamala Harris is doing in comparison to Donald Trump. No really, that’s the headline premise of the article. When you read it you can see that the unnamed Democratic Party “sources” who are being quoted are obviously nobodies who don’t have their finger on the pulse of anything. And there’s the laughable notion that Trump, who has been wasting his time appearing in places like Alabama, is somehow spending more time in key swing states than Harris.

But again, it’s not about the facts. It’s about the narrative. Specifically, it’s about picking a narrative that can drive ratings. And we all know that if there’s one narrative that can goad mainstream Americans into staring at their screens in paralyzed fear for as many hours per day as possible, it’s the notion that Trump is going to win. Since this election has become a bit stagnant of late, with the polls not really moving and no more debates, the media has simply decided to announce this weekend that Trump is indeed going to win.

Remember, this kind of thing isn’t based on anything. It never is. Nothing has fundamentally changed about this election over the past day or two that would justify the media suddenly sounding the alarm about how Kamala Harris is supposedly doomed. The polling showing that most Americans think the country is headed in the wrong direction have been the same for months. Why would it suddenly spell doom for Harris now if it didn’t spell doom for Harris last week? And why would Harris’ campaign schedule suddenly spell doom for her now if her same campaign schedule wasn’t a problem for her before?

None of it ever makes sense. But then it’s not supposed to. It’s just supposed to scare the living shit out of you, so the people on TV and the internet can convince you that the only hope you have of winning is to stare at your screen as intently as you can.

Your job is to not fall for this. Is this election over? Absolutely not. But is Kamala Harris suddenly in trouble? OF COURSE NOT. It’s the same election today that it was a week ago, no matter how many media buffoons decide to humiliate themselves this week in the name of trying to juice ratings for the companies they work for. If you are worried about this election, the proper course of action is not to stare at your screen but instead turn off your screen and sign up for the Kamala Harris campaign. Donate now

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