Donald Trump has completely senile meltdown about how he’s lying awake at night tossing and turning and sweating

Donald Trump is facing several problems right now. He’s behind in this election. He’s up against multiple state and federal prosecutors who are coming closer to putting him in prison. And he’s far too senile to be able to say or do anything to help himself. He’s still out there campaigning, sort of, but it’s not going well for him.

Trump did a spot with a friendly interviewer today, who tried to toss him a softball question about foreign policy. But Trump couldn’t stay on topic for long and instead ended up giving a rambling answer about how he’s lying awake and tossing and turning and sweating:

There’s just nothing left of this guy in a cognitive sense. He’s deep enough into dementia that his rambling answers don’t correlate to the questions being asked. And now he’s giving away that he’s so rattled he can’t sleep at night. Donate now