There’s something weird going on with Trump’s ground game

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Something is wrong with Donald Trump’s ground game. It all started to go wrong when the Trump campaign outsourced most of its ground game to a Political action committee called America Pac. Elon Musk backs this PAC and is reportedly the ONLY ground presence the Trump campaign has, doing regular door-knocking and canvassing.

But the main problem is that’s all they have. See, the Trump campaign itself barely has a footprint in swing states, turning almost all the work over to this PAC. Since the Trump campaign does not have a mass presence on the ground, it’s leaving EVERYTHING up to this one PAC. So that means the trump campaign is completely screwed if the PAC does not come through.

In today’s world, it’s almost unthinkable that a campaign would not have its own ground game with thousands of volunteers, but it appears the Trump campaign does not. And things are reportedly not going well at ALL. It was reported last week that America Pac laid off a massive number of people—it would seem they fired a whole company!

The PAC had hired a firm in Arizona and Nevada to help them with the daunting task of finding Trump voters. All was well until it wasn’t. Last week, it seems the PAC fired the whole company, resulting in many days lost canvassing on the ground. Of course, the trump team denies this and insists they have THOUSANDS of their own volunteers. But this writer asks where are they then?

Reports have trickled out for a long time now that Trump’s ground game was horrible, so this latest turn does not surprise me. Now, Trump reportedly does have something where they have what they call “captains”, to mobilize rural voters who have a history of not voting. That doesn’t sound like a great strategy to me. Also, America Pac reportedly started hiring people just a week or two ago. WTF! This is a campaign with no equilibrium! Nobody seems to know what the HECK they’re doing. But since it’s Donald Trump, how can we be all that surprised?

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