It’s working!!!

While I was working this afternoon I had college football on in the background. I was only half paying attention to the game, but I perked up when I saw that an ad was running for Democratic House candidate George Whitesides. He’s running in California’s 27th House District, which is to the north of where I live and is a more politically moderate area, but it’s the same Los Angeles area local television market. George Whitesides is running in an evenly matched toss-up race that will be very close and will help decide the 2024 House majority, so it was good to see him advertising. Then it hit me. George Whitesides is one of the Democratic House candidates that we’ve been fundraising for.

Over the past six weeks Palmer Report (working with fundraising guru Charles Gaba) has helped raise an astounding $269,000 for the Democratic candidates in the most competitive House races through our big ActBlue page. A chunk of that money has gone to George Whitesides, and now he’s running local TV ads. If you’ve donated to our ActBlue House page, you helped fund that ad.

This is how we win. You all come together as a community and raise more than a quarter million dollars for competitive Democratic House candidates by chipping in $10 and $20 at a time, those candidates use that money to run local TV ads that win over persuadable voters in their moderate districts, they end up winning their race by a point instead of losing by a point, and the Democrats end up with a House majority – because of you.

You should be very proud of yourselves. What we’re doing is working. It’s tangible. You can turn on your TV on a Saturday afternoon and see it working in the real world. So with just five weeks to go, let’s keep doing what’s working! Let’s raise another quarter million dollars for the Democratic candidates in the most competitive House races (donate here). We’ve also raised more than $50,000 so far for the Democratic candidates in the most competitive Senate races, so let’s keep that going as well (donate here). We want our most competitive candidates to be able to continue running ads on TV down the stretch, funding last minute get out the vote operations on the ground, and so on. So let’s keep fundraising. 2024 is ours to win, up and down the ballot.