JD Vance ends up wandering around sandwich shop parking lot after campaign event falls apart

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If you’ve closely followed any presidential campaigns (or even watched season four of the West Wing), you know what an advance team does. It works ahead of time to make sure that any given campaign event is going to go smoothly with no surprises. The candidate’s time is limited, and you can’t have the candidate wasting time on missed opportunities. Nor can you afford to screw up and set up your candidate for embarrassment.

Of course when the candidate is a walking talking embarrassment like JD Vance, perhaps there’s no real hope of getting the advance work right. No one wants this guy around. That included today, when Vance showed up at a Primanti Bros sandwich shop in Pennsylvania and was promptly turned away because the restaurant didn’t want a campaign event. Did Vance and his people not even talk to this restaurant in advance? Did the restaurant change its mind and Vance’s people couldn’t get the story straight?

In any case, Vance ended up wandering around the parking lot of the sandwich shop trying to talk to people. That’s what his “campaign event” turned into. What a complete and utter embarrassment. Meanwhile the Kamala Harris campaign was quick to point out that when Harris and Tim Walz recently visited a Primanti Bros sandwich shop in Pennsylvania, they were greeted like heroes.

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