Donald Trump is running scared

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Donald Trump took to Truth Social shortly before his rally” in Wisconsin got underway. He demanded that Kamala Harris be impeached. Well now! SOMEONE poked the bear! Is our traitor getting a bit nervous? It sure seems that way. Trump wants Harris impeached because he claims she did a lousy job at the border. Of course, you know why he’s flipping out now.

Harris WENT to the border on Friday and gave a great speech. She’s closing the gap on this issue, and it’s completely freaking his royal failure out. Calling immigrants “slimeballs and thugs,” Trump demanded that Harris be removed from office. Sorry Charlie. Ain’t happening.

All of this gives something away — something very important. Donald Trump is scared. No — that’s too weak a word. Donald Trump is shaking in his smelly sneakers. Donald Trump sees how well Harris is doing, and he’s — well — he’s a mess.

And why shouldn’t he be? What kind of a life can our traitor look forward to if he doesn’t win? A cold life, that’s what—a loser life. Trump has nothing to look forward to. All that is in his future are bars—endless arrays of bars, to be exact, prison bars. And Jack Smith.

Prison Bars and Jack Smith. Such fun our traitor will have! But this election is everything to Trump, and he’s blowing it. So now he’s looking for a way—any way—to win. Some dim, ever-flickering light must tell him deep inside that that’s impossible. Still, like the little engine that couldn’t, he kept trying to get to that hill. He will not, of course. Kamala will clean his clock like Biden did before him, leaving the little bastard alone and looking at a calendar with little on it except court appearances.

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