Even for Donald Trump this is just plain embarrassing

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How bad is Donald Trump with money? He’s one of the relatively few people who can say he’s filed for bankruptcy seven times. He’s been criminally convicted for cooking his company’s books, and he still can’t ever seem to come out ahead. He’s a “billionaire” who can’t afford to fund his own campaign.

So it’s not surprising that Trump would have no understanding of what the national budget deficit is, or how deficits work, or what money is, or what numbers are. That’s the only conclusion that can be drawn after Trump tried to show off his cryptocurrency prowess by saying that if he ever gets back in office he’ll use crypto to pay off the national debt. No really, he said this.

Of course the folks who want to cover for Trump’s worsening senility will insist he was just joking. But this is a guy who has no known sense of humor of any kind. What this is, simply put, is embarrassing. The guy thinks that cryptocurrency means he can just write any IOU he wants and it’s somehow valid. No wonder he keeps going bankrupt.

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