This is a freight train now

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The Kamala Harris campaign once again spent the weekend running national TV ads during college and NFL football games, a very expensive proposition with a very high reward. No one watches anything live and sits through the commercials anymore – except for sports games. Ads during football reach moderate suburban voters in a way that few other methods can.

So if you’re wondering where the Harris campaign’s hundreds of millions of fundraised dollars are going, you’re now seeing the money well spent. And even as these TV ads were running on Sunday, a Kamala Harris private fundraiser reportedly brought in $27 million in one sitting. That’ll pay for a few more TV ads – or a bunch more swing state field offices.

The point is that the Kamala Harris campaign is now a freight train running at full speed, firing on all cylinders, and any other metaphors you want to throw at it. Kamala and her people are doing their part. We just have to do ours. Do we want Kamala to have to go out and fundraise money so she can hire temp workers to do phone banking and door knocking, or do we want to do the phone banking and door knocking for her so that she can spend the money on other kinds of efforts?

Let’s climb aboard the Kamala Harris freight train – not as passengers but as her crew. These final six weeks we need to be looking at what we can do for Kamala, so we can get her into office and she can do things for us. Let’s find our roles and do this!

We know how to fight and win. We're going to win this election – and we need your help. Donate right now so we can keep fighting for you:
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