“It wasn’t me!”

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I want to talk about something that I’ve actually been aching to talk about. That is the aftermath…

So let’s say Donald Trump loses, which he definitely will. What happens after? Now I did write an article just a couple of days ago, where I imagined what Donald Trump‘s red meat base like Megan, kelly, or Lindsey Graham would do.

That’s not what I’m writing about here. I want to know about the others.

The others are the quieter, sycophants, the ones who prefer to be shrouded in darkness, rather than be seen blaring from every Fox Non- News episode, screaming their heads off

What happens to them? Imagine this delightful scenario. Kamala Harris becomes president. We have for the first time in our lives a Madam President and a damn wonderful one at that!

As President Harris‘ numbers start to go up up up and up again, the Maga fringe movement starts to dwindle even more. The moderate middle slowly starts gaining Republican power. Ideas that Trump once espoused , that may have seemed merely controversial, now seem extreme and horrifying to most Republicans.

It’s going to happen, my friends, and I have a little proof. Already some House Republicans are mobilizing to accept the results of the election. There is a group of Republicans in the House that are set to block extremist Republicans from not certifying the election when Kamala wins.

Some Republicans are condemning Laura Loomer. I’m telling you, my friends, some Republicans already see the writing on the wall. So what happens then? What do the quieter Republicans, the less flashy ones do?

Do they then turn on Trump? Do they pretend to have never been for Trump in the first place ? Are there Republicans in the house and in the Senate that wimpy, that pathetic, that cowardly?

The answer is yes. Sure, some always be the Maga extremists, content to follow Donald Trump off a cliff and into a stinking pile of manure.

But the other ones, the Mike Johnsons of the world. Think about it. If Mike Johnson hadn’t gotten the Speaker’s job would anyone even know who he is?

He was one of the quiet ones. He was the John Roberts to Marjorie Taylor, Greene’s Clarence Thomas. Those types can often be the most spineless. So it will be interesting to watch them run for cover, to scramble for equilibrium, to pour forth words of “WASN’T ME”, as they fight like hell for their political futures.

Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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