Donald Trump’s worst week ever

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Donald Trump is facing some serious backlash after his I hate Taylor Swift comment. A lot of people are mad at him for that, including many in Maga world. I do think that this last week has perhaps been the worst week for Donald Trump politically perhaps ever.

Think about it. He got absolutely creamed in the debate. What a forlorn sight he was wandering into the spin room after the debate, trying to find somebody who would love him and tell him that he was a great debater. Then there’s the cats and dogs and geese comments. Many people in Ohio are pissed at him , some say they won’t vote for him now.

That doesn’t mean that we’re going to win Ohio! But he may win it now by significantly less than before. Then there’s the polls. I mean there hasn’t been one, not one piece of good news in the polls for Donald Trump.

On Sunday a new poll in Iowa came out and shockingly Donald Trump is only ahead by four points. Iowa is a state that Republicans usually win by pretty big numbers. Again I’m not saying that we are going to win Iowa! But all of this paints, a pretty miserable picture of a pretty miserable political candidate.

Then there’s his cognitive decline. Remember how nobody used to talk about it except us? Well now everybody’s talking about it. George Conway in fact, said Trump is on his “final destination” and he’s going down. I can’t even tell you how many people agree with that.

Mary Trump says that Donald Trump will likely never recover from the thrashing he took from Kamala Harris. Of course that’s true because for malignant narcissist, unless they get help, their lives will continue to be a plethora of rage and anger. So yes, I think this was Donald Trump’s week from hell. I did struggle , my friends to find anything good that happened for him this week, anything at all. Alas, it was not to be.

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