“You are STUPID” – Donald Trump’s manic meltdown continues

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Earlier today Donald Trump decided that yelling “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT” on social media was a good way to… try to win more votes? Nah, he’s past that. Trump isn’t trying to win anything. He’s just flailing like an idiot and throwing a self defeating tantrum. But as it turns out, Trump’s manic meltdown isn’t over.

At another point today Trump declared on social media that “you are STUPID” if you’re rich or a job creator and you’re voting for Kamala Harris. Because, as we all know, calling persuadable voters stupid is a good way to get them to vote for you. Trump also melted down down today about the New York Times and the Post Office. He’s so upset about the Post Office, he ended his post by yelling “HELP!”

I’d be yelling for help too if I’d just attacked Taylor Swift and was watching the Swifties gearing up for battle. But really, Donald Trump is gone. There’s nothing there. If he didn’t have babysitters (and the media) surrounding him, he’d probably be out in the street threatening little old ladies and getting taken away in a straitjacket. Let’s defeat this guy in November by a mile.

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