The three dumbest men in the world

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Where daddy goes, Junior follows. At least that’s the case in the Trump family. Junior predictably has climbed aboard the Haitian hate campaign. During an interview with Charlie Kirk on Thursday, Junior, proudly boasted that it’s and I quote,” just a fact” that Haitians have lower IQs than other people. He also emphatically exclaimed that he had evidence to prove it. The problem is he provided none. Zilch.

Now only a potential member of the Ku Klux Klan could possibly find anything Junior says to be at all interesting. What I do find interesting though is the bond between what I’ve labeled the three dumbest man in the world. Those men include…

Donald Trump
JD Vance
Way uncool Junior

All of these Dumbo‘s share certain traits, certain characteristics, that sort of bind them together I suppose. Number one is: there is not one working brain cell among the three of them.

Number two is the cruelty is the point for all three of them. They get off on hating on people and they do it with racial pride

Three: they all imagine themselves, fancy themselves to be alpha males, but nothing could be further from the truth

Republicans are always saying about Democrats to define what a woman is. I ask them to define what a man is. A man is definitely not the three lickspittle’s featured in this article. Nothing about them is masculine and for any sane woman looking at any of the three of them, they are not men we want to hunt and gather with, they ARE men we’d run like hell in disgust from.

The other thing that these three nimrods have in common is that they don’t seem to have any real friends. They’re only friends are Twitter trolls, like-minded people who come along for the ride as they go about insulting people, and making racist statements.

How I would love it if I could put these three men in a hot air balloon and gently shove the balloon off into sunny breezes, to some abandoned island somewhere. There, their lives could be great! All they would have to do all day long, is — is — is stare at each other, gaze at each other’s stupid jawlines and pretend to be masculine. It would be sort of be like the reality TV show Survivor only none of these three would ever be voted off the island .

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