They don’t see what’s coming

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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You know something, readers? I’m getting pretty damn sick of being told by woman-hating incels that I don’t matter. As we move closer and closer to the election, the woman-haters are out in full force, reassuring OTHER woman-haters (and perhaps themselves) that women voters really won’t move the needle very much.

Take Fox’s Greg Gutfeld. Now HERE’S a moron to contend with! On his show (a nightmare of a place to Be), he insisted that women can’t think for themselves and have been carefully brainwashed only to THINK abortion matters because it really does not. He also explained that women’s votes hold little weight.

“So, a vote for or against Trump, from a woman, has no impact on the issue of abortion. Has no impact.” “It’s not a national issue anymore, it’s off the table.” OFF THE TABLE? Off the friggin table? Are you KIDDING?

Allow me, if you will to respond, something I do not do all that much, but here, I am responding not just to this Fox non-news moron but to ALL the woman-haters, to ALL the smug wanna-be macho-men who think Trump is their person; their macho man when really all he is, is a little basket of traitor poo.

Dear haters: You’re going to be very surprised in Roevember as we, the WOMEN people, head to the polls and destroy your felon of a candidate in one fell swoop. Songs will be sung about this historic day as we women rock the vote, playing the beautiful, beguiling music of freedom. We are going to do that by electing a WOMAN President.

Now, I do know women deeply scare you. Perhaps that is because you have no concept of who we are. I bet you could not define what a woman is. Perhaps you’d describe her as a decorative thing. Always submissive, never free from your artificial wisdom.

In reality, women are like tigresses — we are regal beings who know how to hunt and gather — and right now, what we’re hunting is VOTES.

We’re getting them, too. Such denial on your part! Such fear! Such a languid, lazy, stupid acceptance on your part that women do not matter. Have you even SPOKEN TO a woman voter lately?

We are, as I said, like tigresses — very pissed off tigresses. You DO NOT want to piss off a tigress, my woman-hating assholes. Because women, when they are pissed, rise up in waves and DO something about it. As we will do in just an oh-so-short time from now when we beat you in a blitz of woman power that you can’t see coming.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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