Donald Trump has utterly psychotic meltdown about E. Jean Carroll

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My brain sometimes resembles a railroad track. I have a very analytical mind, and sometimes, my thoughts literally whiz down the tracks of my brain. One thought has stopped and will only go forward once I write it all down. How DARE he! How dare he!

This is something very few in the media are talking about. It should be the leading story on every political website. When insulting E Jean Carroll, Trump claimed she was not to his tastes and wouldn’t have been “The Chosen One.” The CHOSEN ONE? This, my friends, is the essence of misogyny. This is the REAL Donald Trump.

This is the way he defines sexual assault– as being “chosen.” How vicious, how uncouth, how utterly EVIL. Does Trump really believe he is that irresistible? Does he really believe every woman in the world wants to sleep with him? My thought is that he probably does.

Rape has nothing — I repeat, NOTHING AT ALL — to do with sex. It is about power and control. The people who rape — who sexually assault — have no regard for women, except to look at them with contempt. No doubt Kamala Harris prosecuted many of these people in her California Prosecutor days. Those in the media should have IMMEDIATELY called out the arrogance behind that statement.

This is what he thinks of you, ladies! He thinks he’s something special, and anyone he sidles up to is “chosen” for the privilege of his company. It is sickening. It makes this writer sick. Yet Donald Trump’s not having A CLUE about women can work to our advantage

Because when Kamala Harris, with an ever-knowing smile, comes at him in the debate, this fake, phony, trashy, pathetic felon will NOT know what hit him. He will be surprised and likely enraged. Trump is no: “chosen one.” He is a vicious beast of a man, an emotionally sick, deeply troubled narcissist, and a rapist who has likely never looked at even one woman as a human being. How disgusting.

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