Donald Trump has unhinged meltdown about football

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Donald Trump has mostly given up bothering to campaign, and is now down to just one swing state appearance per week. Instead he appears to be sitting home watching football, which is a weird thing to do when you’re losing an election with just 60 days left and you’re going to prison if you lose.

Trump is, of course, failing to enjoy the football game. He’s now posting this bizarre meltdown: “I can’t believe the NFL is effectively getting rid of the always exciting Kick Off Return. Such an exciting part of Football. What are they doing? BEGINNING OF THE END!”

Every real football fan, whether they agree with the move or not, knows that the kickoff rule changes are designed to reduce the number of concussion injuries. Trump is merely giving away that he’s as confused about football as he is about everything else. Does Trump even know what sport he’s watching? Probably not.

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