Grandma got run over by JD Vance

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You may have noticed, dear readers, that I have not written as much lately about the walking disaster that is JD Vance. The reason for that is because the man is making too many blunders. They surround him, frogs jumping from one lily pad of gaffes to another, unable to reach a twig or branch that would give this failed candidate the equilibrium this campaign so desperately needs.

However — That does not mean I won’t write about SOME of his blunders, especially if they meet the three following criteria: They’re new and unique gaffes. They highlight how stupid Vance is They are likely to give readers a good laugh. This story I present to you has ALL of the above!

Vance was in Arizona — Mesa Arizona — on Wednesday at a Turning Point Action event, Vance was asked about how to lower the cost of childcare. Before I tell you Vance’s answer, I’d advise you not to drink anything, as you may dissolve into hysterical giggles, as did this writer.

Vance’s answer? Call Grandpa and Grandma to help !! That’s a policy position many (millions?) wondered.

“One of the ways that you might be able to relive a little bit of pressure on people who are paying so much for daycare is, maybe Grandma and Grandpa wants to help out a little bit more.”

“Or maybe there’s an Aunt or uncle that wants to help out a little bit more.”

Smashing! It’s one of the greatest, most brilliant comments on politics ever!


I mean, it’s just — how would that go?

“Hi Grandpa. The price of childcare is off the roof. Can you sell your house in California, fly to New York, move in with me and watch my children on a daily basis?”

That assumes, of course, that Grandpa and Grandma have no lives of their own. And that ALSO assumes that everyone’s grannies and grandpas are still alive. And I must say it — WTF! This isn’t policy. I don’t — don’t know WHAT this is except — maybe — Vance-speak?

Vance does hold some strange views. Perhaps he will bring this up in the debate with Tim Walz. (Please make it happen.) So — is it GRANNY’S fault? Of course, what if someone does not have family members who can help? What happens then? Damned if Vance appears to know.

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