New trouble for Judge Aileen Cannon

Two groups of legal experts have filed documents with the eleventh circuit asking for the removal of Judge Cannon from the classified documents case. The people who filed include a retired Federal Judge, former Government officials, and legal experts. They said in their filings that Judge Cannon is hopelessly biased regarding the case.
Among those involved in the filing are CREW — (Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Government.) They said that if the eleventh circuit does overrule Cannon, that would now make it “the third time it’s reversed her.”
Three strikes, and you’re out. They are seeking permission to file Amicus briefs. An Amicus Brief is a “friend of the court brief, a written argument submitted to the court by a non-party.”
Although Jack Smith did not specifically ask for Cannon’s removal, the eleventh circuit has the authority to remove her if they so desire. The filing asks the eleventh circuit to reassign the case to another Judge in the South Florida area. I think there is an excellent chance Cannon WILL be removed. By now, there really can’t be a doubt that she is hopelessly biased, cannot see the case clearly, and cannot see the forest for the Trump trees.
CREW, in their legal filing, also brought up the fact that Cannon was showing clear signs of bias even before she dismissed the case. It will be interesting to see how this case is decided. Judge Cannon is the black widow spider of Judges, to be sure -. – poisonous to truth, justice, and the letter of the law, at least as far as any case involving Donald John Trump is concerned.