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If certain reports are to be believed — and this writer does believe them — something is keeping Republicans up at night. This something reportedly has many a spineless Republican in a panic. It is their worst nightmare, their Trojan horse, filled with — filled with — absolutely nothing. There. Is. No. Money.

“Panic is starting to set in.” That’s from Politico, which reports that Republicans are incredulous over their lack of funds—especially next to the giving tree—that tree being all the DONORS giving to Kamala Harris. The disparity between the two candidates from a financial standpoint is reportedly making Republicans crazy. “Unless something changes drastically in the next six weeks, we will lose winnable seats.” You don’t say.

These words, by the way, were spoken (in a panic) by the executive director of the National Republican senatorial committee. So yes, there exist two campaigns. One’s coffers are filling up with the green — that would be the coffers of Kamala Harris. Then we have the Republicans. Their monetary rewards remain very low.

And reportedly, GOPers are BEGGING donors to give them more money. JD Vance recently, at a rally, encouraged His owner Peter Thiel to give more money. (Thiel had said he’d sit out donations this campaign season.) Democrats are outspending Republicans on TV, and grassroots fundraising is off the charts.

The Democratic campaign of Harris is green with cash, green as a blooming eucalyptus. The GOP’s coffers seem to be gray and withered. They’re certainly not green. They certainly don’t have that one little thing that is essential in playing the game of political football. That thing is money. We have it. They don’t. At least not to the extent that we do. And judging by their actions, they are in full meltdown mode about it.

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