What really happens if Donald Trump loses

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

There is an interesting subject that we haven’t really touched on much. So, say we win. We win everything. We win the House., We keep the Senate. And we see Kamala Harris become PRESIDENT Harris. Trump loses bigly. So, what happens to the Republican party then? If — no WHEN — he loses, Trump will have screwed up the GOP’s chances again.

So what will the party of blind loyalty do then? Trump’s trials will then move forward. He will likely, at some point, get prison time. Does the GOP intend to stand by their man — this repugnant, slimy traitor? Or will they look around plaintively, like lost, wistful children, seeking a new leader to guide them out of the darkness of losing and into the warm sunlight of winning?

It is a fascinating question. I’m not sure I have an answer. See, one would THINK — that’d be enough for the GOP! That’d be enough for the party to abandon him, lips curled in disgust after watching him successfully destroy their whole political party.

However, my friends, HOWEVER — this is the GOP we’re talking about. And they have never met a humiliation they did not fully embrace. So it is possible — VERY possible — that they will keep on keeping on with their puny straw man defense of Mr. Donald John Traitor. It is possible that they won’t yet have learned their lesson because they drank the Kool- Aid, and the Kool-Aid may not have been fully digested yet. It may not ever be.

So yes, I think there remains a strong possibility that the GOP — the whole crummy lot of them — will blame everything and everyone EXCEPT their master because, of course, when one is in a cult, one CANNOT ever blame the cult leader — after all where would the GOP be without him?

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.