Donald Trump shits the bed

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To say that things have been going badly for Donald Trump this week is to put it mildly. He’s now even further behind in the polls. He has so little remaining leverage, he had to cave and agree to debate Kamala Harris on ABC News without getting any concessions. His attempt at a photo op in Arlington National Cemetery reportedly resulted in fisticuffs. And oh by the way, he got criminally indicted again for trying to overthrow the government.

Any normal person would have responded to this kind of week by… well it’s tough to even say at this point. These kinds of things don’t happen to normal people. But suffice it to say that Trump is handling it poorly – even for him.

Trump spent Wednesday sharing one Q-anon style conspiracy theory after another on his social media site. He also shared a post involving Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton and sexual activities that’s so over the top disgusting we feel uncomfortable even referencing it.

Trump is now setting himself on fire for attention in every way he can think of. He’s so desperate for attention, he doesn’t care if it’s negative attention, and he doesn’t care if that negative attention hurts him. Does he really think he’s going to get the additional votes he needs by making these kinds of patently offensive social media posts? Of course not. He’s just getting his deranged kicks, because he knows it’s all he has left.

I think it’s safe to say that Donald Trump is now truly shitting the bed. He’s giving up trying to win, and he’s instead focused on trying to make himself feel better about losing. We’re likely about to see some truly disgusting and disturbing remarks from this unraveling cartoon villain loser. But let’s not let it distract us from the task at hand. His narcissistic collapse opens up an opportunity for us to keep putting in the work and run up the score while he’s busy pouting. Get involved in the Kamala Harris campaign by signing up here.

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