When you’ve lost the police…

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Good news for soon-to-be Senator Ruben Gallego in Arizona! The Arizona Police Association has endorsed him! This is quite a surprise, and I’ll be glad to explain why. In the past, this police association has primarily endorsed REPUBLICANS. The fact that they’ve chosen to endorse Gallego is a twist that’s sure to pique the interest of many an undecided voter.

For example, in 2022, this group supported both Kari Lake AND Blake Masters. But it does seem they’ve had a change of heart! They have (proudly) endorsed Gallego, and Kari Lake is undoubtedly joining her cult leader, Donald Trump, in perhaps hurling some ketchup bottles. Man, Republicans sure are seeing red these days!

“As a Marine combat veteran, Gallego understands the complexities of modern policing in American society today.”

“The APA does not take our endorsement lightly.”

“We recognize the importance of having a U.S. Senator that can bring people together to improve society for all.”

“We believe Congressman Gallego will be that Senator.”

Just– wow. A warm thank you to the Arizona Police Association. This group is the BIGGEST police association in the state of Arizona. This endorsement, which is already being widely talked about, is a testament to Gallego’s appeal and fills us with pride for Gallego, who happens to be a VERY alluring candidate.

So, what does this say about Kari Lake? Well, when you’ve lost the police… Seriously, can anyone blame them? Lake is an unelectable candidate, consumed, like Trump, with thoughts of revenge and suing to try to get elections overturned. Her name is a joke in her state, and Gallego will be, unlike Lake, a senator who cares. Thank you, APA for this fantastic endorsement.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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