Even for these MAGA loons this is weird

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer

As you know, I’ve written many articles for Palmer Report. However, my friends, today marks a new day. Because in all the time I’ve been writing for Palmer Report, I have never, IN A MILLION YEARS, written a story as bizarre, as gross, as unhinged, as WEIRD as the following one. This is not an exaggeration, as you will see.

Before I get into the weeds—and there are MANY weeds to get into—I must confess I had to VERIFY this story several times because I COULDN’T — I WOULDN’T believe it could be true. You see, this writer is not immune from denial. Unfortunately, it IS true. And I, entirely, totally wish it WASN’T.

So. As you know, JD Vance has talked much about his scorn for childless people. Now, MOST people, ALL sane people, were understandably repulsed by Vance’s statements. But there was one group who wasn’t. That would be MAGA.

“If Maga’s on a mission to prove they’re not in a cult, this isn’t the way to do it.”

At Trump’s rally, one could see many people in the Maga world carrying something around. They were labeled ‘JD Vance full family kit.”

If that feeling you feel is dread, you’d be correct in feeling it. These “things” being carried about are jars — with fake Vance — um — SPERM in them. No joke. No escape. No sanity.

Maga has totally lost their minds. They have stepped into the point of no return. Maga wanted to mock childless cat ladies and others who don’t have kids by carrying about the pretend sperm of those who DO have kids.

I will say it for EVERYONE. Emergency!!! Calling mental hospitals! Calling cult deprogrammers! Calling rubber rooms — HELP NEEDS TO BE ON THE WAY! I just can’t — I just can’t believe the weirdness, which by this point is not just wilderness but IS the final arrival into the bitter twilight zone .

Here are some comments as to what SANE people think:

“Are they celebrating their cognitive dissonance?”

“Harvested form couches?”

“Is this what one calls hitting bottom?”

“This devotion is — concerning.”

“When I cant come up with anything more disgusting than what;s written, you know things are bad.”

“Right. normal people.”

“No appetite — maybe ever?”

“Is this the onion?”

“”weird stuff!’

“you cant make this up.”

“Yeah, Jesus would have done that.”

“I need a safe room.”

“Someone explain this to me!”

“Well, Maga, THIS is normal behavior, yes indeed.”

“Y’all LOONY.”

“All the world’s stupidest people in one space.”

“Are they — zombies?”

“Weirdest thing in politics.”

“I mean — do they know what fools they look like?”

“Baby Vance.”

“People are strange, especially if they’re sperm-cup carrying Maga weirdos.”

“Oh no. Oh God.”


Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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Thank you so much! - Bill Palmer