“I’ve never seen an arena this empty” – Donald Trump finally tries doing a swing state rally, and it’s not going well

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After Donald Trump did a swing state rally in Pennsylvania and ended up using his speech to whine about all the empty seats, his babysitters pulled him off the swing state campaign trail entirely for a week. Now he’s finally venturing out, and it’s not going well.

Local reporter Carson Swick is on site at the Trump rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. He tweeted this: “Donald Trump is not scheduled to speak in Wilkes-Barre for 2 more hours, but I’ve never seen an arena this empty during a Trump rally.” Later, as Trump was expected to take the stage, he added that the arena was “beginning to fill.” But then he pointed out that the entire reserved press section is still empty for some reason.

And so, even before Trump has opened his mouth, he appears to have failed to fill an eight thousand seat arena in the largest swing state in the nation. It looks like Trump is going to have to resort to pretending Kamala Harris’ crowds are AI generated again.

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